Demi Lovato has Bipolar Disorder.
The singer made this brave admission in an interview with ABC last month. In response, many fans have expressed their support of the young star - but a troubling number have also mocked the celebrity, doubting the legitimacy of such an illness.
To Lovato's credit, she has now taken to Twitter and called out these pathetic human beings, writing:
I wish there wasn't so much pressure on society to be thin. It makes recovery so much harder. My heart goes out to any and all women who deal with this daily battle. I can't stand it when people make fun of the diseases so many people struggle from.
Along with making fun of illnesses or diseases, doing it over the internet only makes you more of a coward. Not to mention you've performed the act of cyber-bullying, something that is equally wrong and unacceptable.
[Photo:] (Hilton Hater) 10 May, 2011--
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