Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas: The Dancing With the Stars Couple to Beat?

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Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas may not have started off slowly this season on Dancing With the Stars, but they were definitely under the radar.

After dancing to the top of the scoreboard last night, they won't have that problem the rest of the season, however long their run might last.

Hopefully Pia Toscano took notes, because Chelsea gave Mark a bit of a dressing down at the onset, and he became a better partner for it.

With only five couples remaining, and each enjoying a large degree of fan support, it's anyone's game. But Chelsea and Mark have proved they belong.

Watch the prohibitive favorites showcase their skills below ...

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas - DWTS Week 8

Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas - DWTS Week 8 (Instant Salsa)

Who will win Dancing With the Stars this season?

steve@thehollywoodgossip.com (Free Britney) 11 May, 2011

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/05/chelsea-kane-and-mark-ballas-the-dancing-with-the-stars-couple-t/
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