Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Donnie Wahlberg Finds Fan a New Kidney on Twitter

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We normally associate celebs Tweeting with funny, insightful or utterly vapid thoughts. In this case, though, one star used it to save a fan's life.

Donnie Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block and Blue Bloods fame was able to reach out to his followers and find a new kidney for a very sick fan.

A tweet from the fan's best friend who was trying to raise awareness about the girl's critical situation, because one of her kidneys was failing fast.

Donnie Wahlberg Picture

Donnie re-tweeted the link to his 183,000 followers, asking for help ... prompting a barrage of phone calls to Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

According to the Boston Herald, the deluge of calls yielded not one, but six matches for Bobbette Miller, who is now scheduled for a transplant in June.

All in 140 characters or less. Great story, right?

[Photo: WENN.com]

steve@thehollywoodgossip.com (Free Britney) 27 Apr, 2011

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/04/donnie-wahlberg-finds-fan-a-new-kidney-on-twitter/
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