Friday, 29 April 2011

President Obama on Birther Controversy: I Was There!

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President Obama sat down for a talk with Oprah Winfrey yesterday (it will air on her show Monday) and discussed the controversy over his birthplace.

Focused on Obama's birth certificate, or lack thereof (he released it this week), the “birther” movement questioned his citizenship and eligibility for office.

Typical of our Commander-in-Chief, he laughed it off.

Obama looked relaxed as he said of the birth certificate controversy: “Can I just say I was there, so I knew. I knew I had been born. I remember it.”

President Obama Smiling

Barack can joke about "birthers" ... at least a little.

First Lady Michelle Obama, sitting by her husband’s side, raised her hands and said: “He was born here!” But clearly they only find it funny to a point.

President Obama went on to lambast the critics of his birthplace as “carnival barkers going around trying to get attention instead of solving problems”.

He added: “Two weeks ago a huge debate was initiated around where our budget needs to go and during the course of this debate, where I gave a speech and the Republicans voted on their proposal, the biggest news was this birth certificate thing.”

Obama’s birth certificate confirms he was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

The controversy had been reignited, in large part, by Donald Trump stoking the flames. Trump was also critical of Obama for not releasing his college transcripts, and doubting whether Obama had the grades to get into Harvard.

This triggered allegations of racism against Trump, which he denies.

What do you think? Can we now put this behind us?

Tell us: Is Obama a natural-born U.S. citizen? (Free Britney) 29 Apr, 2011

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