Thursday, 28 April 2011

Paris Hilton Courthouse Attack: Caught on Tape!

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James Rainford, the stalker arrested in front of Paris Hilton's house last fall, resurfaced yesterday and actually came at Paris outside a courthouse.

The attack on Paris and Cy Waits, ironically, came while they were walking in to court to testify against a different man accused of stalking Hilton last year.

Video taken on the scene of the melee shows Rainford punching Waits in the back of the head and grabbing at his neck before being taken into custody.

Rangford says he wanted her autograph ... on his marriage proposal to her. The guy is not what you'd call stable. Watch the altercation go down below:

Paris Hilton, Cy Waits Attacked Outside Court (Free Britney) 29 Apr, 2011

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