Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Chelsea Handler Mocks Kim Kardashian, Horrendous Single

When does the brother of a comedian, dryly reading lyrics from a newly-released track, actually sound better than the track itself?

When the artist of the single in question is Kim Kardashian.

On an episode of her E! talk show this week, Chelsea Handler took at aim an easy target and hit a humorous bulls-eye. She called out her brother to recite such gems from Kim's "Jam (Turn It Up)" as how the star is "feeling so good," and "feeling so right" and, of course, "feeling so great."

Could this be done with almost any top 40 pop song? Probably. But that doesn't make the clip any less funny...

Chelsea Handler Mocks Kim Kardashian (Hilton Hater) 09 Mar, 2011

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