Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Donald Trump Birth Certificate: Produced!

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Absurd as it is that we're even talking about this, Donald Trump confirmed this week that he is, in fact an American citizen, with the documentation to prove it.

This hilarious/sad saga began last week with Trump bloviating at length on The View about President Obama's birth certificate and why he hasn't produced it.

To further his alleged point (that Obama is hiding something), Trump released what he thought was his own birth certificate Monday ... only it wasn't.

(Donald) Trumped

The document Trump gave to a conservative website Monday turned out to be a mere "certificate of live birth," not an official birth certificate. Cue cries of hypocrisy.

One day later, Trump's team got their hands on his actual birth certificate, then used the miraculous revelation that Trump is a U.S. citizen to reiterate their "point."

"A 'birth certificate' and 'certificate of live birth' are in no way the same thing, even though in some cases they use some of the same words," a Trump staffer said.

"One officially confirms and records a newborn child’s identity and details of his or her birth, while the other only confirms that someone reported the birth of a child."

"A 'certificate of live birth' is easy to get, while a 'birth certificate' is only gotten through a long, detailed process wherein identity must be proved beyond a doubt."

Presumably, that mini-rant is meant to discredit this document pertaining to Obama, who many continue to insist is not a native citizen of the United States.

Why Trump is pushing this so hard, we have no idea. If there were a legit challenge to the constitutionality of Obama's presidency, wouldn't it have been brought?

Seriously, wouldn't a judge hear this case if there were even a remote chance?

Also, is Don trying to rile people up for a potential White House bid? No one who believes this "birther" conspiracy would vote for Obama anyway. Makes no sense. 

Anyway, what do you think? Is the President a natural-born U.S. citizen? (Free Britney) 30 Mar, 2011

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