Sunday, 27 March 2011

Charlie Sheen Live Shows to Include...

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Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth is coming to a number of cities. But what can fans that actually buy tickets to this nonsense expect to see?

"A rehearsed show," tour co-producer Joey Scoleri tells People. "It will be spoken word, it'll be funny and there will be interaction with the audience."

Another source claims "Charlie has been furiously putting together his show... working with actors, directors and writers. He is really working around the clock."

Sheen's Korner Photo

What else can audience members look forward to from this deranged individual?

  • The use of video.
  • Content related to Sheen's "manifesto," Scoleri says.
  • An appearance by goddesses Natalie Kenly and Rachel Oberlin, the latter of whom will be involved directly in some way, her rep confirms.

Concludes Scoleri: "He's one of the most creative people I've ever met in my life. If you want Charlie Sheen, you'll get vintage Sheen with this show. The guy's a media juggernaut. He's there to entertain."

What do you think, readers? Does this sound like a WINNING formula? (Hilton Hater) 27 Mar, 2011

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