It's all about ME.
That's the theme as Sonja takes center stage. So, the Marriage Equality of New York (MENY) march asks Sonja to be the Grand Marshall?
Is she really that big of a draw? I mean I know I'm not their target audience but still, Sonja Morgan's a gay icon?
Oh, and in case you missed it, it's Sonja's special day.
It's a scary, scary world when Kelly Bensimon is the voice of reason. The ladies (and Simon) make fools of themselves. The wedding gowns look ridiculous as Luann's keeps popping open, Sonja wears a toga inspired number (perhaps this was her goddess impression) and Alex looks absurd as she bickers with everyone in her veil.
How could Sonja not let Simon speak? It's about gay marriage. Poor Simon wore his sequin rainbow tux. He took the jacket out of the closet. He'd like his opportunity now. "I like my men," says Simon. Yes, Simon. We never really questioned it.
Jill shows up sans wedding dress but she did bring her little dog for backup. As Alex tries to tell her all about the injustice done to Simon, Jill tears into Alex about last week's fight.
Not actually listening to anything Alex is saying Jill cries out, "Stop picking on me!" Maybe it's the voices in her head. Perhaps she borrowed them from Kelly.
And finally Sonja, the lone voice for marriage equality makes her way to the stage and gets to say something that's on her mind. Shockingly, we find out there isn't much there.
As this episode revolves around Sonja, we soon move on to her art gala. Her good friend Brian is painting her portrait. Upon seeing the sketches Sonja focuses on getting a virtual breast lift. "I'm sure you've noticed their kind of perkier." Looks like she's seeing something Brian isn't.
Then it's the big unveiling. Brian removes the sheet and…oh. Time to break out the polite smiles. So, Sonja thinks Brian adores her. I'm not seeing it.
My head is still spinning from Sonja and Alex's fight. Neither one can SHUT UP! Sounds like Sonja was intimidated by Simon's rainbow jacket and Alex had to defend her husband's honor.
For once I agree with Luann. What was Alex wearing? Some sort of S & M bondage get up? When Alex was walking down the street talking on her cell phone I was afraid she was going to get propositioned…or arrested.
Cindy barely graced the screen and the rest of the ladies were all bit players in the Sonja / Alex saga. But the line of the night still goes to Ramona as she explains why she didn't invite Kelly to sit at her table. "Let's face it. She can be a wackadoo."
Thankfully this show doesn't lack for wackadoos. Isn't that why we watch? (Free Britney) 15 Apr, 2011--
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