Friday, 15 April 2011

Naomi Judd Responds to Ashley Judd Memoir

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Country music legend Naomi Judd was not a picture-perfect mom.

That much is obvious from Ashley Judd's allegations of incest and sexual abuse suffered as a child. Not by Naomi, per se, but on her train wreck mom's watch.

"I will probably get around to reading it, because as a mom, I certainly want to honor her reality," Naomi says of Ashley's memoir, All That is Bitter and Sweet.

"I was horrible," Naomi said. "I didn't know any better."

So Many Judds

Ashley Judd's book alleges a childhood of "trauma, abandonment, addiction and shame," and does not mince words about her family's role in all of the above.

Her older sister Wynonna admits that her sister's allegations - a constant flow of pot in the house, sexual abuse by a neighbor and more - have made things tense.

Reading the manuscript, Wynonna said, put her in "an unbearable place between two women that I really love." True, that kind of thing makes holidays awkward ...

Also awkward: Naomi and Wynonna are in the midst of promoting their new OWN reality show, just as the book comes out. Bad PR or GENIUS PR? You decide. (Free Britney) 15 Apr, 2011

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