Friday, 15 April 2011

Jennifer Lawrence Pictures From GQ: Wow!

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Make no mistake: Oscar nominee Jennifer Lawrence is not just a pretty face.

But also make no mistake: She has a very pretty face, among other attributes.

Wearing a sexy Chloe two-piece and D&G sandals, the 20-year-old actress shows off her enviable bikini body in GQ's May issue. Take a look:

Jennifer Lawrence, Underwear

"There are a lot of young American actors now who haven't got any technique," Matthew Vaughn, who directed her in this summer's X-Men: First Class, tells GQ.

"And to be blunt, a lot of these kids assume that just by having a good set of teeth and tits, smiling for the camera's enough. I need someone who can act."

He got that and then some in Lawrence.

The Oscar nominee for Winter's Bone will also appear in Jodie Foster's Mel Gibson vehicle The Beaver and play the lead of Katniss in The Hunger Games trilogy.

"She's got a set of balls on her," Vaughn says. Figuratively. Check out these Jennifer Lawrence pictures for a closer look at some of her more literal assets:

Jennifer Lawrence in GQHot Jennifer Lawrence PictureJennifer Lawrence GQ Picture

[Photos: GQ] (Free Britney) 15 Apr, 2011

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