Thursday, 14 April 2011

Courteney Cox on David Arquette Crotch: Boner Central!

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Courteney Cox has handled her separation from David Arquette with impressive maturity, supporting the actor through tough times and admissions of sex with other women.

Which is why we were a bit surprised to hear Cox join Arquette for a raunchy, in-depth interview with Howard Stern Thursday afternoon. She was asked about her ex-husband's sexual appetite and said it actually contributed to their split.

"Whenever I would need consoling from David, he could not literally put his arm around me for one second without completely getting a boner," Cox said.

Courteney Cox and David Arquette Pic

Arquette defended himself by saying on air: "I'm always ready for [Courteney]. I know I'm more in touch with what she needs now...She takes one sort of thing and she clumps it [and says] that's what happens all the time in our relationship. It's not really true."

Is there for a future for this couple? It does sound that way, as Cox insists she hasn't slept with anyone since they took a break and added:

"The truth of the matter is that we love each other so much. We have such affection for each other but we are very different." (Hilton Hater) 15 Apr, 2011

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